Saturday, July 3, 2010

Another Sonnet

As I stand on the precipice of woe,
Agony, death, and fates much more painful,
I can find no blame in any that I know—
But in myself I see the truth in full...
I am the master of my misery.
It was my devices that sent me here,
My own hands that sewed this dread livery.
Now I stand far from grace’s joyous cheer
With a choice to make for myself: destroy
Sin’s sick hold or suffer hell’s damnation?
A simple choice but harder to employ—
After done, it’s hard to change station.
Yet try I must to change my darker ways
And come fully to heaven’s hopeful light.
No longer do I wish to spend dark days
Wasting away and waiting on the night.
I will come unto my eternal life
And show the world how to rise above strife.


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