Monday, April 11, 2011


A thousand eyes,
Spending a thousand days
Staring, critiquing, and tearing
Into my very soul,
Will not see in me
What you'll claim to
With naught more than a glance.

Countless points of dappled light
Will make up the sky above us--
But will blur as I gaze upon
Your seraphic face
Until I cannot distinguish
Where heaven ends
And you begin.

Truly, truly,
This saccharine dream
Will one day peter out
Into something simply
Beyond imagination--
Though to me it still will be
Something ethereal everyday.

Wherever you be,
Whomever you are,
And whatever life you live,
I long for you and the life we'll lead.


Thursday, April 7, 2011


There wasn't any moonlight,
Angels in chorus, or
A brightly burning sky
When your eyes met mine
For the first time, my dear.
I saw fear. And pain long-buried.
I heard gulls cry in a different way
That selfsame day.
No longer did they seem so free,
So light.
Before, they seemed happy
As they floated on currents
Above the foamy sea.
Then, they soared on broken wings,
Calling to others who have lost, have hurt.
Never leaving their bays for fear.
I took you into my heart,
A broken gull,
And nursed you until whole once more.
And here you are still--not trapped, unafraid.
A gull who can leave when she likes,
But chooses simply to stay and stay.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

One Who Atones

It went from every pore
And washed me cleaner than
The wellspring from before
That also came from Him

The Master's blood was spilt for me
On that dreary April day
So that I would become free
And walk the path His way

I know not where or when I found
My Father and my Brother's Love
But know with a knowledge profound
It had always existed above

It went from every pore
And washed me cleaner than
The wellspring from before
That also came from Him


This one needs work. Well, they all do. I'm just pointing it out on this one.