Friday, July 30, 2010

36. Dreamer

36. Dreamer

Why do we stare at clouds
And will them to be something else?
Is suspended water vapor
Not good or pure enough for us?
Must we re-imagine the world around us
In order for it to become acceptable?

Indeed, as humans, we aren’t
Such simple beings. We refuse
To take the normal at face value
And instead overstate the common
As something magical or rare.

Perhaps it is that very trait that makes
Up the walking complexity that is Sentience.

Or maybe, we’re simply little Dreamers.



  1. Hmmm.... I liked this one until you put the "as humans" part in there... Most of us will assume that you're talking about humans. When you're writing like this, be detailed, but don't be so specific... That's what I thought at least.

  2. Not to contradict... But I didn't put "As humans" in order to clarify who I am talking about. In fact, it's more to point out the human state in which we live. IE, we couldn't be expected to be any other way in such a state.
