Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I remember

Yes, another. I... Needed to today.

I remember
Nights spent in the rain,
Holding you close
And whispering happy thoughts
And grandiose ideas
Into your innocent
And accepting ears.
You ate them up,
I remember.
I remember days.
Days I spent laughing—
You could always make
Me smile then.
There was something about
The way you looked
At me... the way you held
Me in some high regard.
I remember it all.
I remember tears.
They fell from your perfect face
In streamlets, pooling at
Your feet and separating
Us from one another.
I remember the distance.
I remember hands and knees
And crawling back to you,
Begging for another chance.
I remember ruining that one, too.
I remember you, my love...
Do you remember me?
Please say you do.


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