Wednesday, June 23, 2010

First Times, New Experiences, and Old Memories

I'm not entirely positive as to why I'm actually doing this. I've tentatively tried blogging in the past, found no real joy in it, and left it to others who more readily open up their minds and lives (or lack thereof) to the nameless and faceless "series of tubes" that we call the internet. Alas, here I am, blogging.

I'll keep this, my first post, short and simple--indeed, I won't even cram any homegrown, grassroots poetry down your collective gullet and ask for opinions that will ultimately be watered down half-truths at best--and end with this lovely thought: If I'm unproductively using my time to write this thing, then what would you call your time spent reading it? I'd actually like to know.

Signed as truly as possible,

1 comment:

  1. Ha. So looking back on this, I feel like I might come across a bit cynically or negatively. I'm not. Honest-to-goodness, I'm a fairly nice guy... I just also happen to have this slightly caustic mouth that I shoot off from time to time. Sorry all, I don't mean to sound like a complete jerk--I just am from time to time.
