Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ode to an Angel

The first time I held
That girl with
Skin as soft as cotton,
Eyes that burn like stars,
And a voice that
To this day
Resounds in my ears,
I felt hot and cold
All at once.
I have never felt
Closer to heaven
Than when I’m near
That Angel.
For surely someone so
Mighty and holy
That evokes such emotions
Within me—a simple man
Unused to things like
Love, affection, and joy—
Can only be called an Angel.
We are parted now,
But I will always look fondly
On the times I spent
With that Angelic being.
She continues to
Paint my life.



  1. that. Is a really pretty poem. It's kina sad at the end. :( But. That is what makes it so special. :D

  2. Oh, thanks so much, Christy. =) You're a sweetheart.
