Saturday, June 26, 2010

A New Challenge

Hello my fine friends! So I've taken myself up on a challenge: Alongside little snippets of my life, I'm going to write(and post) one poem a day. It's sort of an exercise in stamina, resolve, and writing. Obviously not all of the poems--if any--are going to be winners. So I'm sorry, but just bear with me, eh?

I'm super excited! Yesterday was a slow day, but great. I got a lot done at home and read some Goose Girl by Shannon Hale(a wonderful novel--I recommend it wholeheartedly!). I woke up early for bundle drops--allow me to explain. Every few mornings out of the week I wake up at 3:30 AM and go pick up and drop off paper bundles at carriers houses... Basically, I'm a paperboy to the paperboys. Go figure. Anyway... Currently, I'm watching the movie Igor, writing in this blog, and thinking about what kind of poem I want to write today... Hm.

I go in to work today at 1 and work until 6, then I'm off to a fun-filled night of Fiesta Fun, Bowling, and some sort of dinner. It'll be great! So far, I have no idea who will be there except Nikki, possibly Shayne, and maybe Kaden and Saya. I hope they all come! It was Nikki's idea--she has a coupon for Fiesta Fun and bowling--so we tried to get a bunch of people. More on that in the future.

And now... A poem.

Having become drunk from
The beauty of your smile
I had failed to notice
The poison of your tongue

So when I took it upon myself
To pursue that beauteous grin
Many found it their duty
To stop my pursuit anon

I stood in wonder at how
These so-called comrades
Could be so cold and harsh in
Their dealings with me and my happiness

I ignored the sage advice of those
Well-meaning well-wishers
And found, through hardship,
Just how caustic you truly are

Oft times we find ourselves
Holding solely to our own understanding
And finding the wisdom of those
More objective than us fraught with error

Who knows us more truly?
Our own, inner selves...
Or those whom we've entrusted
With our love and friendship?



  1. cody, i officially love your blog. and this poem. and you. :)

  2. Hahaha thanks, Heather. You're a dear. =D

  3. Beware, negativity is to follow. I like the concept of this, and I think it has potential, but (and don't condemn me for my lack of vocabulary) you seem to use big words where smaller ones would suffice. Be careful that your vocabulary doesn't distract from the emotion of the poem, if that makes sense. I do like the phrasing in the first stanza, though. But you have a tendency to forget to keep it simple sometimes. Just something to think of! <3

  4. Thanks so much! It's something to work on... Especially because I didn't think that I was using anything too big or confusing in there. Definitely something to think on. Thanks again, Jane.
