Wednesday, January 1, 2014

In Another Life

I dreamed of us once.
Together forever,
Eternal bliss,
Never to be parted—
Rather it was
Never to be.

But in another life—
Not this one, to be sure—
We'd have been so fitting,
So easy,
So comfortable.
Sharing a mind and heart,
Taking in each moment
Alas, that's but another life.

You assured me once
That we'd have lit up this world
Had we ever intertwined.
But now, you've gone
Where I cannot follow
And we are more
Separate than ever...
Ever to be separated.

But in another life—
One where we'd a chance to be—
We'd have conquered,
We'd have laughed,
We'd have been the best of friends...
Alas, in this life,
It was never meant to be.

I marveled for years
At the easy way
Words spilt forth from our lips.
I convinced myself
That that was enough—
That closeness breeds Love.
Yet here we are,
Strangers now.

But in another life—
A life where my love was enough—
We'd have everything
In a simple kiss,
Hold our world up
As one...
Yet in this life,
You hold him.

And so I walk this life's road
With searching, piercing eyes.
Seeking not the shades of days past
Nor the half-imagined worlds
Not meant to exist...
No, I seek simple bliss
And something better than
What might be found
In another life.
